PreApp is a reinvention of the pre-application service.
PreApp is the online system that reinvents the pre-application service. Created by Town Planning Professionals, PreApp combines real-time data and professional experience to let you know the likelihood of achieving planning permission quickly and cheaply.
“PreApp provides a solution to a service provided by local planning authorities that is often slow, expensive, vague and delivered with little care and attention. it is time to prioritise your rights as a property developer or home improver and provide the advice you need specifically for your area.”
— Christopher Whitehouse, MRICS BSc (Hons) RICS Accredited Expert Witness
£125 + VAT
Relevant to any application for an amendment, extension or alteration to an existing home; its existing or proposed outbuildings or changes to its boundaries or garden curtilages.
£195 + VAT
Relevant to the creation of a new home or homes; either through new build, change of use or subdivision. Any change of use proposal or any associated with a commercial use class.
For major applications of either 10 dwellings or more, please contact our associated town planning consultants, NextPhase who will be able to assist further. For more information, please read our FAQs.