How Does PreApp Assess Real-Time Data?
Welcome back to the PreApp blog! In today’s article, we’re going to give a brief overview and insight into how the PreApp system assess data in real-time to determine the likelihood of achieving planning permission. Don’t forget, if you’re not already, be sure to follow us across all social media platforms and subscribe to our YouTube channel for weekly video content!
So, whenever one of our applicants, whether they be a householder applicant seeking to do an extension or an applicant seeking to undertake a brand new house visits PreApp and undertakes the online portal, we take that information and the first thing that is done is we review the specific site and location data in relation to their proposed scheme.
We essentially monitor the quality, swiftness and the outcomes and decisions made by local planning authorities across England and Wales and we have a very clear understanding based upon localised street-scenes and authorities as a whole as to the type of applications that get planning permission more often than not, the quality of those applications that get planning permission and the timeframes associated with them.
So when for example and applicant visits our website and are seeking to undertake pre-application advice for a householder extension, we’ll very quickly be able to assess the data to determine in raw terms the chance of getting planning permission for your type of extension within that particular area. We’ll then subsequently be able to review the data even further to determine whether in your particular region of your local planning authority there is any significant or substantial change or deviation away from the mean.
After this, we’ll be able to review whether there are any site specific circumstances that would deviate or change the data with regard designations, so for example if you are in a conservation area, adjacent to a listed building, in the Green Belt or in an area of outstanding natural beauty and the specific impact this has in your area with regard decision making.
Finally, we’ll be able to tell very quickly the average determination timeframe of your local planning authority for planning applications that are similar to yours, based upon the average completion of such applications over the previous period.
That is our data model, that is how we start and from there, our professional experts take a look at the case and revert to the statistics. They identify whether your case accords with the average means of your particular area or whether there is any differentiation that gives you a greater or less likely chance of achieving planning permission. At that point, if it’s considered your case could be improved or there are fundamental weaknesses, we identify what they are and we give recommendations as to how you can improve your chances.
PreApp is a reinvention of the pre-application service, it is substantially quicker, substantially cheaper and the data and advice you receive is substantially greater than anything you could achieve from your local planning authority. Thank you for taking the time to read this week’s blog. As always, please follow us across social media to stay up to date with new content and if you haven’t already, subscribe to our YouTube channel. If you require any assistance with a submission, be sure to navigate to the Home page of our website and see the details there, alternatively, you can contact us any time!