Welcome to PreApp - A Reinvention of the Pre-Application Service.
Welcome to the first official instalment of the PreApp blog that will be posted here on our website! Today’s article features a brief description of what PreApp is all about. If you’re not already, be sure to follow us across all social media platforms and subscribe to our YouTube channel where we will be uploading weekly video content!
What is PreApp?
PreApp is a reinvention of the pre-application service. Created by Town Planning Professionals, PreApp combines real-time data and professional experience to let you know the likelihood of achieving planning permission quickly and cheaply.
How does PreApp work?
The system, covering all planning authorities in England and Wales, assesses data in relation to planning decisions, timeframes, and costs in your local council to accurately determine how often your council gives planning permission for your type of proposal, how quickly they provide the decision and what is needed to support your case.
The system provides a clear understanding of the actual likelihood of achieving planning permission for your extension, your new build or your major development project. The data is combined with analysis by Town Planning Professionals, to provide clear, site-specific advice for your case.
What is the outcome?
The outcome provides clear understanding of your chances of gaining planning permission, the costs expected for the required planning application, the average expected timeframe for a decision, the specific weaknesses and strengths of your case and what can be done to improve your chances of permission.
Thank you for taking the time to read our first article, be sure to visit next week where there will be another instalment of the PreApp blog! As always, please follow us across social media to stay up to date with new content and if you haven’t already, subscribe to our YouTube channel. If you require any assistance with a submission, be sure to navigate to the Home page of our website and see the details there, alternatively, you can contact us any time!